Four wheels vs. Eighteen

June 14, 2013, by Michael A. DeMayo

If you’ve been in an auto accident in North Carolina then you know all too well, they’re no fun.  You’re rolling along, minding your business and boom!  If you’re blessed, there are no injuries and you can pick up the pieces somewhat easily.  If you aren’t so lucky, it may take more time to get back to your pre-accident position, but it is still possible.

Now, think back to the same accident and add pounds upon pounds of weight and fourteen more wheels and whatever the tractor trailer is carrying.  Wowsa! The impact of  this type of accident is terrible to even think about.  Even if the accident is a low impact one, for you in a four wheel vehicle it’s not so low impact.  Politicians know that these large 18-wheelers can cause far more damage when involved in an auto accident in North Carolina than those that involve two standard vehicles.  For this reason North Carolina as well as the federal government impose additional regulations for tractor trailers on North Carolina roads.

In theory, with the additional guidelines come additional safety.  In reality, the additional regulations most likely increase costs requiring truck drivers to increase revenue to cover additional expenses and maintain a profit margin.  How does this play out? Well, it means more hours on the road, fewer breaks in between long hauls, sometimes a speeding ticket here or there is worth getting to ensure meeting a delivery deadline. 

If you are in an accident in North Carolina than you need to call us, but if your accident involves a tractor trailer you need a North Carolina trucking accident lawyer yesterday.  You need to contact someone immediately before insurance adjusters come out of every corner to talk to you and mitigate liability of their insured truck driver as best they can.  Contact a Charlotte truck accident lawyer today at DeMayo Law today.  There are people ready to take your call even on weekends at 704-333-1000.